Resources for Healthcare Professionals
Downloadable Flashcards for Lactation Interns
Instructions: Each set of flashcards is designed to challenge you by introducing different statements you will hear from families. I’ve adopted the USDA 3-Step Counseling model used in WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counseling training. Ask. Affirm. Teach. As health caregivers, we often jump ahead to the care plan/teaching. This model asks the provider to start with open-ended questions, clarify with closed-ended questions, affirm the patient/family for what they are experiencing, and finally, teach or develop a care plan.
Get with a friend or your lactation mentor and talk through the scenarios. There is no one right answer. The cards are designed to encourage conversation and critical thinking. Every quote is one you will hear yourself in your own practice. The cards are split up by topic to help you zero in on areas you need more practice with.
- Read the prompt on the flashcard
- Ask yourself, what open-ended questions would I ask? What clarifying questions would I ask?
- What would be a good affirming statement to share? (“Lots of moms say that.” “It sounds like you are really exhausted” “That’s a really important question–I can tell you have put a lot of thought into this”)
- Develop a care plan personalized to their needs and answer their questions along with the family.
Prenatal Appointment Flashcard Set, 20 cards (PDF)
1st 2 Weeks of Life Flashcard Set, 20 cards (PDF)
Medications Flashcards Set, 20 cards (PDF)
Weaning Flashcard Set, 20 cards (PDF)
Starting Solid Foods Flashcard Set, 20 cards (PDF)
Flashcards for Lactation Interns, all 5 sets (PDF x5)